Chủ nhật, 29/09/2024

Danh sách câu hỏi

Có 1093233 câu hỏi trên 21865 trang

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 44 to 50.

Most parents want their sons and daughters to have equal chances of success when they grow up. Today, equality of the sexes is largely mandated by public policy and law. However, old- fashioned ideas and a lot of prejudice are still part of our culture and present challenging questions for parents.

Gender stereotypes are rigid ideas about how boys and girls should behave. We all know what these stereotypes are: A “feminine” girls should be insecure, accommodating and a little illogical   in her thinking. A “masculine” boy should be strong, unemotional, aggressive, and competitive.  How are children exposed to these stereotypes? According to the researchers David and Myra Sadker of the American University of Washington, D.C., boys and girls are often treated differently in the classroom. They found out that when boys speak, teachers usually offer constructive comments, when girls speech, teachers tend to focus on the behavior. It's more important how the girls act rather than what they say.

The emphasis on differences begins at birth and continues throughout childhood. For example, few people would give pink baby's clothes to a boy or a blue blanket to a girl. Later, many of us give girls dolls and miniature kitchenware, while boys receive action figures and construction sets. There's nothing wrong with that. The problem arises when certain activities are deemed appropriate for one sex but not the other. According to Heather J. Nicholson, Ph.D., director of the National Resource Center for Girls, Inc., this kind of practice prevents boys and girls from acquiring important skills for their future lives.

“The fact is,” says Nicholson, “that society functions as a kind of sorting machine regarding gender. In a recent survey, fifty-eight percent of eighth-grade girls but only six percent of boys earned money caring for younger children. On the other hand, twenty-seven percent of boys but only three percent of girls earned money doing lawn work”. If we are serious about educating a generation to be good workers and parents, we need to eliminate such stereotypes as those mentioned previously.

Gender stereotypes inevitably are passed to our children. However, by becoming aware of the messages our children receive, we can help them develop ways to overcome these incorrect ideas. To counteract these ideas, parents can look for ways to challenge and support their children, and to encourage confidence in ways that go beyond what society's fixed ideas about differences of sext are.


Which of the following could be the main idea of the passage?

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 39 to 42.

Have you ever felt that there aren’t enough hours in the day? These days we have to do our jobs, look after our homes, save energy to help the environment, and do exercise to stay healthy! Like many of us, Alex Gadsden never had enough time. He ran a business and a home and needed to lose weight. So he decided to do something about it. He invented the cycle washer. The 29-year-old now starts each day with a 45-minute cycle ride. He not only feels healthier but he saves on his energy bills and does the washing too.

He said, “It gives the user a good workout. I’ve only used it for two weeks but I’ve already noticed a difference.” “I tend to get up at around six-thirty now and get straight on the cycle washer. I keep it in the garden, so it’s nice to get out in the fresh air. Afterwards, I feel full of energy. Then I generally have breakfast and a shower and I really feel ready to start the day.” The green washing machine uses 25 litres of water a wash, and takes enough clothes to fill a carrier bag. He normally cycles for 25 minutes to wash the clothes, and then for another 20 minutes to dry them. And it doesn’t use any electricity, of course.

Mr Gadsden, the boss of a cleaning company, believes his machine could become very popular. With an invention which cleans your clothes, keeps you fit and reduces your electricity bill, he may well be right.

(Adapted from English Unlimited by Alex Tilbury et al.)

What is the passage mainly about?