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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

In the world today, particularly in the two most industrialized areas, North America and Europe, recycling is big news. People are talking about it, practising it, and discovering new ways to be sensitive to the environment. Recycling means finding ways to use products a second time. The motto of recycling movement is “reduce, reuse and recycle”

The first step is to reduce garbage. In stores, a shopper has to buy products in blister packs, boxes and expensive plastic wrappings. A hamburger from a fast-food restaurant comes in lots of packaging: usually paper, a box, and a bag. All that packaging is wasted resources. People should try to buy things that are wrapped simply, and to reuse cups and utensils. Another way to reduce waste is to buy high – quality products. When low – quality appliances break, many customers throw them away and buy new ones – a loss of more resources and more energy. For example, if a customer buys a high – quality appliance that can be easily repaired, the manufacturer receives an important message. In the same way, if a customer chooses a product with less packaging, that customer sends an important message to the manufacturers. To reduce garbage, the throwaway must stop.

The second step is to reuse. It is better to buy juices and soft drinks in returnable bottles. After customers empty the bottles, they return them to the store. The manufacturers of the drinks collect the bottles, wash them and then fill them again. The energy that is necessary to make new bottles is saved. In some parts of the world, returning bottles for money is a common practice. In those places, the garbage dumps have relatively little glass and plastic from throwaway bottles.

The third step in being environmentally sensitive is to recycle. Spent motor oil can be cleaned and used again. Aluminum cans are expensive to make. It takes the same amount of energy to make one aluminum (for new cans), they help save one of the world’s precious resources.

What is the main topic of the passage?

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

The increase in urbanization causes different problems. Air and water pollution are amongst the major issues we have to deal with.

In the first place, cars, factories and burning waste emit dangerous gases that change the air quality in our cities and pose threats to our health. Dangerous gases such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides cause respiratory diseases, for instance, bronchitis and asthma. Those are also proved to have long-term effects on the environment.

Furthermore, with the increased population, it becomes difficult to manage the waste generated in cities. Most of the waste is discharged or dumped into rivers or onto streets. The waste pollutes water and makes it unfit for human consumption. Subsequently, it becomes more and more difficult for city dwellers to get clean water. Some cities in Africa are unable to provide adequate water supply because most of the water is lost in pipe leakages. In fact, most city dwellers in developing countries are forced to boil their water or to buy bottled water, which is very expensive.

There are several actions that could be taken to eradicate the problems described above. Firstly, a simple solution would be joining community efforts to address problems affecting your city. Ask your parents, friends and relatives to join in as well. These efforts might include clean-up campaigns, recycling projects and a signature campaign to ask the government to do something about the situation. A second measure would be encouraging your teacher to talk about these problems and to discuss how young people can help to solve them. Finally, write to local organizations working on these issues for ideas on how you can contribute to solve them.

The phrase deal with in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Sport and sport events provide a significant source of volunteering opportunities for a wide range of individuals. (26) ________ organizers of major sport events tend to target the youth market to source volunteers due to the apparent high level of interest in sport by this group, not only in terms of young people who watch a particular sport, but also those (27)________ participate in it. It is therefore suggested that sport may act as a kind of ‘nursery’ for volunteering and that the experiences (28) ________ to young people in sport may be critical for their future volunteer involvement, not only in sport but also in the broader society. By developing an interest in volunteering as a young person, it is hoped that these people will continue to volunteer as they become adults. One of the most common approaches by many event organizers is to place an advertisement in the local media which invites readers to contact the organization. (29)________ , it is possible to adopt a more formally structured recruitment programme through schools and universities. The (30)________ of this approach is to establish a relationship between the governing body of a particular sport and young people from an early age, in the hope that young people who are either spectators or participants in the sport continue from childhood to adulthood.