30 đề thi thử đề thi thử THPTQG môn Tiếng Anh có lời giải chi tiết (Đề số 1)

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Danh sách câu hỏi

Câu 3:

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on you answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.


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Chọn C       Trọng âm nhấn âm số 2, còn lại nhấn âm số 1.

   A. /'fiz.I.kel/                                    B. /'sʌm.ər.i/

   C./rəʊ’ mæn.tIk/                              D./fɒl. əʊ.Iŋ]/

Câu 4:

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on you answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

Question 4:

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Chọn D       Trọng âm nhấn âm số 2, còn lại nhấn âm số 1

          A./ ‘kɒm.plI.mənt/ B. /’kaʊn.tə.pɑ:t/

          C. /’kIn.də,gɑ:.tən D. bar’ɒl. ə.dʒIst/

Câu 5:

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

St Nicholas' Church has been granted more than £130,000 by English Heritage to repair the                      .................. building.

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      Câu đề bài: Nhà thờ phố Nicholas đã được cấp vốn hơn £130,000 bởi hội đồng di sản nước Anh để tu sửa tòa nhà _________.

Đáp án: A. weather-beaten (adj.): bị hư hỏng hoặc hao mòn do thời tiết. Các đáp án khác:

B. contemporary (adj.): tạm thời, nhất thời.

C. under the weather (adj.): cảm thấy không khỏe, khó ở.

D. chic (adj.): sang trọng, lịch sự.

Câu 6:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

I can’t imagine how anyone .................. clever as he is could make a terrible mistake.

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Chọn D       Câu đề bài: Tôi không thể tưởng tượng nổi sao một người thông minh như anh ta có thể phạm một lỗi lầm thậm tệ như vậy.

-        as + adj + as: cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng.

- such + a/an + N:  một cái gì đó.

Câu 7:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

What I can’t understand is why he is now pursuing our daughter and why he has not told her that he was once acquainted .................. us.

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Chọn B       Câu đề bài: Điều khiến tôi không thể hiểu nổi là lí do tại sao anh ta lại đang theo đuổi con gái chúng tôi và tại sao anh ta không kể với con bé rằng đã từng quen biết chúng tôi.

To be acquainted with sb: có quen biết ai.

Câu 8:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

The belief that a man in his early twenties ought to have a firm occupational choice reflects   .................. that development is complete by the end of adolescence.

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Chọn A       Câu đề bài: Niềm tin cho rằng một người đàn ông ở đầu tuổi 20 cần phải có một lựa chọn nghề nghiệp chắc chắn phản ánh quan điểm phổ biến rằng sự phát triển là đã trọn vẹn vào thời điểm kết thúc tuổi vị thành niên.

To reflect something: phản ánh cái gì.

V-ing + N  Diễn tả tính chất của cái gì.

Câu 9:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

I know that someone who has great natural shape but is .................. won't beat someone with a lesser shape who is in condition.

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Chọn D       Câu đề bài: Tôi biết một người mà có cơ thể tuyệt vời nhưng không mạnh khỏe sẽ không đánh thắng được một người nhỏ con hơn nhưng chắc khỏe.

To be out of reach: ngoài tầm với;

To be out of the question: bất khả thi;

To be out of the ordinary : bất bình thường;

To be out of the condition = out of shape: không luyện tập, không chắc khỏe.

Câu 10:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. She .................. in that pink kimono.

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Chọn B       Câu đề bài: Tôi đã không thể tin vào mắt của mình. Cô ấy trông thật đẹp trong bộ kimono màu hồng đó.

To look + adj.: trông như thế nào (đẹp, xấu, duyên dáng, ục ịch ...);

To look + adv: nhìn theo một cách nào đó.

look + so + adj. trông rất thế nào >< such + (adj) + N.

Câu 11:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Even though Nestlé is a globally recognized .................. name, Nestlé products only   account for a little more than 2% of packaged food and beverages sold around the world.

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Chọn B       Câu đề bài: Mặc dù Nestlé là một nhãn hiệu quen thuộc toàn cầu, những sản phẩm của Nestlé chỉ chiếm hơn 2% lượng thức ăn và đồ uống đóng gói trên khắp thế giới.

Đáp án A. Household (adj.): quen thuộc, phổ biến;

Các đáp án còn lại:

Notorious for sth (adj.): khét tiếng vì cái gì;

Double-barreled (adj.): được bảo đảm kép;

Strange-sounding (adj.): nghe có vẻ lạ.

Câu 12:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

I’m sure you can recognize her; she .................. a purple raincoat.

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Chọn    B       Câu đề bài: Tôi chắc chắn bạn có thể nhận ra cô ấy, cô ấy sẽ mặc một chiếc áo mưa màu tím.

Ở đây ta phải dùng thì tương lai tiếp diễn để nói về thực tế trong tương lai: cô ấy sẽ mặc chiếc áo đó, nên chắc chắn bạn sẽ nhận ra.

Câu 13:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Unlike most modernist poets, .................. based on ordinary speech.

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Chọn C       Câu đề bài: Không giống như những nhà thơ hiện đại khác, Robert Frost đã viết những bài thơ dựa trên những lời nói thông thường.

Ở đây người nói so sánh với những nhà thơ khác nên chủ ngữ của câu không thể là những bài thơ, hay tác phẩm, hay thơ ca của Robert Frost được mà phải là chính ông ấy.

Câu 14:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

According to reports, choosing a winner from the final three .................. was a hard task.

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                                 Câu đề bài: Theo các báo cáo, việc chọn lựa một người chiến thắng từ ba thí sinh cuối cùng là một nhiệm vụ khó khăn.

Đáp án B: contestants: thí sinh;

Các đáp án còn lại:

Participants: người tham gia;

Applicants: ứng viên.

Partakers: người tham dự = participants.

Câu 15:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Peter: “I can’t decide what color I want for my bedroom. What do you think?” Jane: “You   should choose .................. color you want. You’re the one who will have to live with it.”

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                            Câu đề bài

Peter: “Tôi không thể quyết định chọn màu gì cho phòng ngủ của mình. Bạn nghĩ sao về việc này? ”

Jane: “Bạn nên chọn bất cứ màu nào mà bạn thích. Bạn là người sẽ gắn bó với nó mà.”

Đáp án B. whatever: bất cứ cái gì;

However: bất cứ cách nào.

Câu 16:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

.................. playing professional basketball, she also enjoys tennis.


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                            Câu đề bài: Bên cạnh việc chơi bóng rổ chuyên nghiệp, cô ấy cũng thích quần vợt.

Đáp án A. Besides something: bên cạnh cái gì, ngoài cái gì ra.

Các đáp án còn lại:

B. Moreover: Hơn nữa;

C. Apart from something: Ngoài cái gì ra, ngoại trừ cái gì;

D. Together with something: Cùng với cái gì.

Câu 17:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

“Maybe you can take a vacation next month.”


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                           Câu đề bài: “Có lẽ bạn có thể đi nghỉ tháng tới. ”

Đáp án D. “Tôi không nghĩ vậy. Tôi dạy suốt mùa hè mà.”

Các đáp án còn lại:

A.  Chẳng có gì đặc biệt cả.

B. Không có chi.

C. Nó rất đắt.

Câu 18:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

“ .................. ” “Yes. Do you have any shirts?”


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                             Câu đề bài: “ _________ ” “ Vâng. Anh có bán áo sơ mi không thế? ”

Đáp án: C.  Tôi cỏ thể giúp gì được chị?

A. Anh có thể giúp tôi một chút được không?

B. Ồ, tốt quá. Thật là một chiếc áo sơ mi đẹp.

D. Ồ, màu trắng.

Câu 19:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

” “Yes. Do you have any shirts?”


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Chọn D                                 Câu đề bài: Chúng tôi hiện đang không nhận thêm nhân viên mới vào lúc này để có thể giảm thiểu chi phí.

To take somebody on: nhận ai vào làm việc.

>><< to lay somebody off : cho ai nghỉ việc.

Các đáp án còn lại:

To employ (v.): thuê ai;

To hire (v.): thuê, mướn ai/ cái gì;

To offer (v.): mời, đề nghị.

Câu 20:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

We’re not taking on any new staff at the moment so that we can cut down the cost.

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Chọn D                                 Câu đề bài: “Câu chuyện kể về một cô bé sinh ra ở một gia đình khá giả và là người đứng đầu trong học tập.”

Well – to - do (adj.): giàu có, khá giả. >><< destitute (adj.): nghèo khổ, bần cùng.

Các đáp án còn lại:

To be rolling in money : đang có rất nhiều tiền;

To be made of money (informal): rất giàu;

To be well heeled (informal) = wealthy: giàu có.

Câu 21:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

The story was that of a little girl who was bom in a well-to-do family and was a top   performer in her studies.

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                                Câu đề bài: Con cáo đã không thành công trong việc cố với tới chùm nho.

Đáp án A. Con cáo cố gắng một cách vô vọng để với tới chùm nho.

Các đáp án còn lại:

There's no point in doing something = It’s not worth doing something:

Không đáng để làm gì.

Câu 22:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

The fox was unsuccessful in reaching the grapes.


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                                 Câu đề bài: Anh ta có vẻ lưỡng lự khi nhận lời khuyên của tôi.

Đáp án C. Có vẻ như anh ta đã không sẵn lòng nhận lời khuyên từ tôi.

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. Anh ta có vẻ khá sẵn lòng nhận lời khuyên của tôi.

B. Có vẻ như anh ta đã không sẵn sàng để cho tôi lời khuyên.

D. Anh ta có vẻ rất lo lắng khi nhận lời khuyên của tôi.

To be reluctant = to be not willing: không sẵn lòng, lưỡng lự.

Câu 23:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

He seemed very reluctant to take my advice.


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                                Câu đề bài: Anh ta có vẻ lưỡng lự khi nhận lời khuyên của tôi.

Đáp án C. Có vẻ như anh ta đã không sẵn lòng nhận lời khuyên từ tôi.

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. Anh ta có vẻ khá sẵn lòng nhận lời khuyên của tôi.

B. Có vẻ như anh ta đã không sẵn sàng để cho tôi lời khuyên.

D. Anh ta có vẻ rất lo lắng khi nhận lời khuyên của tôi.

To be reluctant = to be not willing: không sẵn lòng, lưỡng lự.

Câu 24:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

I don’t agree with prohibiting smoking in bars.


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                                 Câu đềbài: Tôi không đồng ý với việc cấm hút thuốc ở các quán bar.

Đáp án B. Tôi không ủng hộ việc cấm hút thuốc ở các quán bar

To agree with = to be in favor of : ủng hộ. tán thành.

Câu 25:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to

indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 30.


  Reality television is genre of television programming which, (it is claimed), presents unscripted dramatic or humorous situation, documents actual events, and features ordinary rather than professional actors. It could be described as a form of artificial or “heightened” documentary. Although the genre has existed in some form or another since the early years of television, the current explosion of popularity dates from around 2000.

  Reality television covers a wide range of television programming formats, from game or quiz shows which resemble the frantic, often demeaning programmes produced in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s (a modem example is Gaki no Tsukai), to surveillance- or voyeurism- focused productions such as Big Brother.

  Critics say that the term “reality television” is somewhat of a misnomer and that such shows frequently portray a modifies and highly influenced form of reality, with participants put in exotic location or abnormal situations, sometimes coached to act in certain ways by off-screen handlers, and with events on screen manipulated through editing and other post-production techniques.

Part of reality television’s appeal is due to its ability to place ordinary people in extraordinary situations. For example, on the ABC show, The Bachelor, an eligible male dates a dozen women simultaneously, traveling on extraordinary dates to scenic locales. Reality television also has the potential to turn its participants into national celebrities, outwardly in talent and performance programs such as Pop Idol, though frequently Survivor and Big Brother participants also reach some degree of celebrity.

  Some commentators have said that the name “reality television” is an inaccurate description for several styles of program included in the genre. In competition- based programs such as Big Brother and Survivor, and other special-living-environment shows like The Real World, the producers design the format of the show and control the day-to-day activities and the environment, creating a completely fabricated world in which the competition plays out. Producers specifically select the participants, and use carefully designed scenarios, challenges, events, and settings to encourage particular behaviours and conflicts. Mark Burnett, creator of Survivor and other reality shows, has agreed with this assessment, and avoids the word “reality” to describe his shows; he has said, “I tell good stories. It really is not reality TV. It really is unscripted drama.”

The word “demeaning” is closest in meaning to ..................

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Chọn D                                 Demeaning (adj.): hạ mình, luồn cúi. = humiliating (adj.): làm nhục, bẽ mặt.

Despising (adj.): khinh bỉ, khinh miệt.

Diminishing (adj.): hạ bớt, thu nhỏ;

Valueless (adj.): không có giá trị.

Câu 26:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to

indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 30.


  Reality television is genre of television programming which, (it is claimed), presents unscripted dramatic or humorous situation, documents actual events, and features ordinary rather than professional actors. It could be described as a form of artificial or “heightened” documentary. Although the genre has existed in some form or another since the early years of television, the current explosion of popularity dates from around 2000.

  Reality television covers a wide range of television programming formats, from game or quiz shows which resemble the frantic, often demeaning programmes produced in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s (a modem example is Gaki no Tsukai), to surveillance- or voyeurism- focused productions such as Big Brother.

  Critics say that the term “reality television” is somewhat of a misnomer and that such shows frequently portray a modifies and highly influenced form of reality, with participants put in exotic location or abnormal situations, sometimes coached to act in certain ways by off-screen handlers, and with events on screen manipulated through editing and other post-production techniques.

Part of reality television’s appeal is due to its ability to place ordinary people in extraordinary situations. For example, on the ABC show, The Bachelor, an eligible male dates a dozen women simultaneously, traveling on extraordinary dates to scenic locales. Reality television also has the potential to turn its participants into national celebrities, outwardly in talent and performance programs such as Pop Idol, though frequently Survivor and Big Brother participants also reach some degree of celebrity.

  Some commentators have said that the name “reality television” is an inaccurate description for several styles of program included in the genre. In competition- based programs such as Big Brother and Survivor, and other special-living-environment shows like The Real World, the producers design the format of the show and control the day-to-day activities and the environment, creating a completely fabricated world in which the competition plays out. Producers specifically select the participants, and use carefully designed scenarios, challenges, events, and settings to encourage particular behaviours and conflicts. Mark Burnett, creator of Survivor and other reality shows, has agreed with this assessment, and avoids the word “reality” to describe his shows; he has said, “I tell good stories. It really is not reality TV. It really is unscripted drama.”

According to the passage, Reality TV appeals to some because ...................

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Chọn D                                 Theo bài đoc, truyền hình thực tế thu hút nhiều người là bởi .

A. Nó sử dụng những địa điểm nước ngoài

B. Nó chiếu về những người đàn ông thích hợp hẹn hò với những người phụ nữ.

C. Nó có thể biến những người bình thường thành người nổi tiếng

D. Nó chiếu về những con người bình thường trong những tình huống rất không bình thường.

Thông tin trong bài: Part of reality television's appeal is due to its ability to place ordinary people in extraordinary situations.

Câu 27:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to

indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 30.


  Reality television is genre of television programming which, (it is claimed), presents unscripted dramatic or humorous situation, documents actual events, and features ordinary rather than professional actors. It could be described as a form of artificial or “heightened” documentary. Although the genre has existed in some form or another since the early years of television, the current explosion of popularity dates from around 2000.

  Reality television covers a wide range of television programming formats, from game or quiz shows which resemble the frantic, often demeaning programmes produced in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s (a modem example is Gaki no Tsukai), to surveillance- or voyeurism- focused productions such as Big Brother.

  Critics say that the term “reality television” is somewhat of a misnomer and that such shows frequently portray a modifies and highly influenced form of reality, with participants put in exotic location or abnormal situations, sometimes coached to act in certain ways by off-screen handlers, and with events on screen manipulated through editing and other post-production techniques.

Part of reality television’s appeal is due to its ability to place ordinary people in extraordinary situations. For example, on the ABC show, The Bachelor, an eligible male dates a dozen women simultaneously, traveling on extraordinary dates to scenic locales. Reality television also has the potential to turn its participants into national celebrities, outwardly in talent and performance programs such as Pop Idol, though frequently Survivor and Big Brother participants also reach some degree of celebrity.

  Some commentators have said that the name “reality television” is an inaccurate description for several styles of program included in the genre. In competition- based programs such as Big Brother and Survivor, and other special-living-environment shows like The Real World, the producers design the format of the show and control the day-to-day activities and the environment, creating a completely fabricated world in which the competition plays out. Producers specifically select the participants, and use carefully designed scenarios, challenges, events, and settings to encourage particular behaviours and conflicts. Mark Burnett, creator of Survivor and other reality shows, has agreed with this assessment, and avoids the word “reality” to describe his shows; he has said, “I tell good stories. It really is not reality TV. It really is unscripted drama.”

According to the passage, the program “Pop Idol” ...................


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Chọn B                                 Theo bài đọc, chương trình “Pop Idol ” _________  .

A. Biến tất cả những người tham gia thành các ngôi sao.

B. Có khả năng biến những người tham gia thành các ngôi sao hơn là chương trình Big Brother.

C. ít có khả năng biến những người tham gia thành các ngôi sao hơn là chương trình Big Brother.

D. Là một chương trình hẹn hò.

Thông tin trong bài: Reality television also has the potential to turn its participants into national celebrities, outwardly in talent and performance programs such as Pop Idol, though frequently Survivor and Big Brother participants also reach some degree of celebrity.

 Survivor và Big Brother ít có khả năng biến người tham gia thành sao hơn là Pop Idol.

Câu 28:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to

indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 30.


  Reality television is genre of television programming which, (it is claimed), presents unscripted dramatic or humorous situation, documents actual events, and features ordinary rather than professional actors. It could be described as a form of artificial or “heightened” documentary. Although the genre has existed in some form or another since the early years of television, the current explosion of popularity dates from around 2000.

  Reality television covers a wide range of television programming formats, from game or quiz shows which resemble the frantic, often demeaning programmes produced in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s (a modem example is Gaki no Tsukai), to surveillance- or voyeurism- focused productions such as Big Brother.

  Critics say that the term “reality television” is somewhat of a misnomer and that such shows frequently portray a modifies and highly influenced form of reality, with participants put in exotic location or abnormal situations, sometimes coached to act in certain ways by off-screen handlers, and with events on screen manipulated through editing and other post-production techniques.

Part of reality television’s appeal is due to its ability to place ordinary people in extraordinary situations. For example, on the ABC show, The Bachelor, an eligible male dates a dozen women simultaneously, traveling on extraordinary dates to scenic locales. Reality television also has the potential to turn its participants into national celebrities, outwardly in talent and performance programs such as Pop Idol, though frequently Survivor and Big Brother participants also reach some degree of celebrity.


  Some commentators have said that the name “reality television” is an inaccurate description for several styles of program included in the genre. In competition- based programs such as Big Brother and Survivor, and other special-living-environment shows like The Real World, the producers design the format of the show and control the day-to-day activities and the environment, creating a completely fabricated world in which the competition plays out. Producers specifically select the participants, and use carefully designed scenarios, challenges, events, and settings to encourage particular behaviours and conflicts. Mark Burnett, creator of Survivor and other reality shows, has agreed with this assessment, and avoids the word “reality” to describe his shows; he has said, “I tell good stories. It really is not reality TV. It really is unscripted drama.”


Producers choose the participants ..................



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Chọn C                                 Các nhà sản xuất chọn những người tham gia để:

A. Tạo nên một thế giới tưởng tượng

B. Dựa trên tài năng của họ

C. tạo ra sự xung đột giữa những thứ khác

D. chỉ dành cho những chương trình về môi trường sống đặc biệt

Thông tin trong bài: Producers specifically select the participants, and use carefully designed scenarios, challenges, events, and settings to encourage particular behaviours and conflicts.

Câu 29:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to

indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 30.


  Reality television is genre of television programming which, (it is claimed), presents unscripted dramatic or humorous situation, documents actual events, and features ordinary rather than professional actors. It could be described as a form of artificial or “heightened” documentary. Although the genre has existed in some form or another since the early years of television, the current explosion of popularity dates from around 2000.

  Reality television covers a wide range of television programming formats, from game or quiz shows which resemble the frantic, often demeaning programmes produced in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s (a modem example is Gaki no Tsukai), to surveillance- or voyeurism- focused productions such as Big Brother.

  Critics say that the term “reality television” is somewhat of a misnomer and that such shows frequently portray a modifies and highly influenced form of reality, with participants put in exotic location or abnormal situations, sometimes coached to act in certain ways by off-screen handlers, and with events on screen manipulated through editing and other post-production techniques.

Part of reality television’s appeal is due to its ability to place ordinary people in extraordinary situations. For example, on the ABC show, The Bachelor, an eligible male dates a dozen women simultaneously, traveling on extraordinary dates to scenic locales. Reality television also has the potential to turn its participants into national celebrities, outwardly in talent and performance programs such as Pop Idol, though frequently Survivor and Big Brother participants also reach some degree of celebrity.


  Some commentators have said that the name “reality television” is an inaccurate description for several styles of program included in the genre. In competition- based programs such as Big Brother and Survivor, and other special-living-environment shows like The Real World, the producers design the format of the show and control the day-to-day activities and the environment, creating a completely fabricated world in which the competition plays out. Producers specifically select the participants, and use carefully designed scenarios, challenges, events, and settings to encourage particular behaviours and conflicts. Mark Burnett, creator of Survivor and other reality shows, has agreed with this assessment, and avoids the word “reality” to describe his shows; he has said, “I tell good stories. It really is not reality TV. It really is unscripted drama.”

The term “reality television” is inaccurate ..................


Xem đáp án

Chọn B                                 Khái niệm “truyền hình thực tế” là không chính xác khi nói về

A. Những chương trình tài năng

B. Chương trình về môi trường sống đặc biệt

C. Tất cả các chương trình

D. Chương trình Big Brother và Survivor

Thông tin trong bài: Some commentators have said that the name "reality television” is an inaccurate description for several styles of program included in the genre, like Big Brother, Survivor or The Real World.  Các chương trình này đã được thiết kế trước, không phải truyền hình thực tế.

Câu 30:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to

indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 30.


  Reality television is genre of television programming which, (it is claimed), presents unscripted dramatic or humorous situation, documents actual events, and features ordinary rather than professional actors. It could be described as a form of artificial or “heightened” documentary. Although the genre has existed in some form or another since the early years of television, the current explosion of popularity dates from around 2000.

  Reality television covers a wide range of television programming formats, from game or quiz shows which resemble the frantic, often demeaning programmes produced in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s (a modem example is Gaki no Tsukai), to surveillance- or voyeurism- focused productions such as Big Brother.

  Critics say that the term “reality television” is somewhat of a misnomer and that such shows frequently portray a modifies and highly influenced form of reality, with participants put in exotic location or abnormal situations, sometimes coached to act in certain ways by off-screen handlers, and with events on screen manipulated through editing and other post-production techniques.

Part of reality television’s appeal is due to its ability to place ordinary people in extraordinary situations. For example, on the ABC show, The Bachelor, an eligible male dates a dozen women simultaneously, traveling on extraordinary dates to scenic locales. Reality television also has the potential to turn its participants into national celebrities, outwardly in talent and performance programs such as Pop Idol, though frequently Survivor and Big Brother participants also reach some degree of celebrity.


  Some commentators have said that the name “reality television” is an inaccurate description for several styles of program included in the genre. In competition- based programs such as Big Brother and Survivor, and other special-living-environment shows like The Real World, the producers design the format of the show and control the day-to-day activities and the environment, creating a completely fabricated world in which the competition plays out. Producers specifically select the participants, and use carefully designed scenarios, challenges, events, and settings to encourage particular behaviours and conflicts. Mark Burnett, creator of Survivor and other reality shows, has agreed with this assessment, and avoids the word “reality” to describe his shows; he has said, “I tell good stories. It really is not reality TV. It really is unscripted drama.”

The word “fabricated” is closest in meaning to ...................


Xem đáp án

Chọn A                                 Fabricated (adj.): bịa đặt, giả mạo  == imaginary (adj.): do tưởng tượng.

Các đáp án còn lại:

real (adj.): thật; imaginative (adj.): giàu trí tưởng tượng; “isolated” (adj.): xa xôi, bị cô lập.

... the producers design the format of the show and control the day-to-day activities and the environment, creating a completely fabricated world in which the competition plays out.

  ...Các nhà sản xuất thiết kế định dạng của chương trình và điều khiển những hoạt động và môi trường hàng ngày, tạo ra một thế giới hoàn toàn giả tưởng mà ở đó cuộc thi diễn ra.

Câu 31:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to

indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 30.


  Reality television is genre of television programming which, (it is claimed), presents unscripted dramatic or humorous situation, documents actual events, and features ordinary rather than professional actors. It could be described as a form of artificial or “heightened” documentary. Although the genre has existed in some form or another since the early years of television, the current explosion of popularity dates from around 2000.

  Reality television covers a wide range of television programming formats, from game or quiz shows which resemble the frantic, often demeaning programmes produced in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s (a modem example is Gaki no Tsukai), to surveillance- or voyeurism- focused productions such as Big Brother.

  Critics say that the term “reality television” is somewhat of a misnomer and that such shows frequently portray a modifies and highly influenced form of reality, with participants put in exotic location or abnormal situations, sometimes coached to act in certain ways by off-screen handlers, and with events on screen manipulated through editing and other post-production techniques.

Part of reality television’s appeal is due to its ability to place ordinary people in extraordinary situations. For example, on the ABC show, The Bachelor, an eligible male dates a dozen women simultaneously, traveling on extraordinary dates to scenic locales. Reality television also has the potential to turn its participants into national celebrities, outwardly in talent and performance programs such as Pop Idol, though frequently Survivor and Big Brother participants also reach some degree of celebrity.

  Some commentators have said that the name “reality television” is an inaccurate description for several styles of program included in the genre. In competition- based programs such as Big Brother and Survivor, and other special-living-environment shows like The Real World, the producers design the format of the show and control the day-to-day activities and the environment, creating a completely fabricated world in which the competition plays out. Producers specifically select the participants, and use carefully designed scenarios, challenges, events, and settings to encourage particular behaviours and conflicts. Mark Burnett, creator of Survivor and other reality shows, has agreed with this assessment, and avoids the word “reality” to describe his shows; he has said, “I tell good stories. It really is not reality TV. It really is unscripted drama.”

Which of the following in NOT true according to the passage?

Xem đáp án

Chọn D                                 Đáp án nào dưới đây KHÔNG đúng dựa theo bài đọc?

A. Những chương trình như Survivor có được những bài thuyết minh hay.

B. Mark Burnett nghĩ rằng khái niệm “truyền hình thực tế” là không chính xác.

C. Nhật Bản đã sản xuất những chương trình TV tệ bị sao chép các nơi.

D. Truyền hình thực tế đã phổ biến từ trước năm 2000 rồi.

Thông tin trong bài: Although the genre has existed in some form or another since the early years of television, the current explosion of popularity dates from around 2000. A

  Mặc dù loại hình này đã tồn tại theo hình thức này hay khác từ những năm đầu có TV rồi, sự bùng nổ về độ phổ biến cũng chỉ mới từ những năm 2000 đây thôi.

Câu 32:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to

indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.

  Alligators have always been the most dangerous predators of the Florida Everglades, (31) .................. their long-held position is now being challenged by a growing population of Burmese pythons.

  The Burmese python, a giant snake measuring up to 20 feet long and weighing up to 200 pounds, is very popular among exotic pet owners. However, as the (32) .................. snakes grow, they become more difficult to cafe and handle. To avoid dealing with the snakes, the owners irresponsibly release them into the wild. (33) .................. the Everglades is quite similar to the python’s native environment of Southeast Asia, they survive and prosper without difficulty.

  The issue with the Burmese pythons is their choice of meals. They eat alligators and endangered birds, which creates a strain on an already (34) .................. ecosystem. Recently a 13-foot long Burmese python was found with a 5-foot alligator bursting from its stomach. They python died trying to eat the alligator but a larger one would have easily won the struggle. With over 30,000 Burmese pythons now living in the Everglades, a solution to stop this invasive species is necessary. If the pythons are (35).................. unchecked, there is a strong possibility they will wipe out a variety of species necessary for the functioning of the Everglades ecosystem.

(Source: * Master TOEFL Junior*, Hahn (2015)

Điền vào số 31

Xem đáp án

Chọn A                                 2 câu trước và sau mang ý nghĩa tương phản nhau: most dangerous predators >><< long-held position being challenged

Câu 33:

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to

indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.

  Alligators have always been the most dangerous predators of the Florida Everglades, (31) .................. their long-held position is now being challenged by a growing population of Burmese pythons.

  The Burmese python, a giant snake measuring up to 20 feet long and weighing up to 200 pounds, is very popular among exotic pet owners. However, as the (32) .................. snakes grow, they become more difficult to cafe and handle. To avoid dealing with the snakes, the owners irresponsibly release them into the wild. (33) .................. the Everglades is quite similar to the python’s native environment of Southeast Asia, they survive and prosper without difficulty.

  The issue with the Burmese pythons is their choice of meals. They eat alligators and endangered birds, which creates a strain on an already (34) .................. ecosystem. Recently a 13-foot long Burmese python was found with a 5-foot alligator bursting from its stomach. They python died trying to eat the alligator but a larger one would have easily won the struggle. With over 30,000 Burmese pythons now living in the Everglades, a solution to stop this invasive species is necessary. If the pythons are (35).................. unchecked, there is a strong possibility they will wipe out a variety of species necessary for the functioning of the Everglades ecosystem.

(Source: * Master TOEFL Junior*, Hahn (2015)


Điền vào số 32 


Xem đáp án

Chọn D                                 Dead (adj.): chết, đã chết;

Deadly (adj.): nguy hiểm chết người, trí mạng.  tính từ có thể dùng miêu tả những con vật nguy hiểm.

To die (v.): chết;

Death (n.): cái chết, sự chết.

Câu 34:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to

indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.

  Alligators have always been the most dangerous predators of the Florida Everglades, (31) .................. their long-held position is now being challenged by a growing population of Burmese pythons.

  The Burmese python, a giant snake measuring up to 20 feet long and weighing up to 200 pounds, is very popular among exotic pet owners. However, as the (32) .................. snakes grow, they become more difficult to cafe and handle. To avoid dealing with the snakes, the owners irresponsibly release them into the wild. (33) .................. the Everglades is quite similar to the python’s native environment of Southeast Asia, they survive and prosper without difficulty.

  The issue with the Burmese pythons is their choice of meals. They eat alligators and endangered birds, which creates a strain on an already (34) .................. ecosystem. Recently a 13-foot long Burmese python was found with a 5-foot alligator bursting from its stomach. They python died trying to eat the alligator but a larger one would have easily won the struggle. With over 30,000 Burmese pythons now living in the Everglades, a solution to stop this invasive species is necessary. If the pythons are (35).................. unchecked, there is a strong possibility they will wipe out a variety of species necessary for the functioning of the Everglades ecosystem.

(Source: * Master TOEFL Junior*, Hahn (2015)

Điền vào số33

Xem đáp án

Chọn C                                 Although: mặc dù, nối 2 mệnh đề tương phản nhau;

On account of something = because of something: bởi vì cái gì;

When: khi, nói 2 mệnh đề có quan hệ về thời gian.

Since: bởi vì = because, for  nối 2 mệnh đề quan hệ nhân - quả.

Câu 35:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to

indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.

  Alligators have always been the most dangerous predators of the Florida Everglades, (31) .................. their long-held position is now being challenged by a growing population of Burmese pythons.

  The Burmese python, a giant snake measuring up to 20 feet long and weighing up to 200 pounds, is very popular among exotic pet owners. However, as the (32) .................. snakes grow, they become more difficult to cafe and handle. To avoid dealing with the snakes, the owners irresponsibly release them into the wild. (33) .................. the Everglades is quite similar to the python’s native environment of Southeast Asia, they survive and prosper without difficulty.

  The issue with the Burmese pythons is their choice of meals. They eat alligators and endangered birds, which creates a strain on an already (34) .................. ecosystem. Recently a 13-foot long Burmese python was found with a 5-foot alligator bursting from its stomach. They python died trying to eat the alligator but a larger one would have easily won the struggle. With over 30,000 Burmese pythons now living in the Everglades, a solution to stop this invasive species is necessary. If the pythons are (35).................. unchecked, there is a strong possibility they will wipe out a variety of species necessary for the functioning of the Everglades ecosystem.

(Source: * Master TOEFL Junior*, Hahn (2015)

Điền vào số 35

Xem đáp án

Chọn B                                 Solid (adj.): chắc chắn, vững vàng;

Fragile (adj.): mong manh, dễ vỡ;

Balance (adj.): cân bằng, cân xứng;

Substantial (adj.): quan trọng, lớn lao.

 Hệ sinh thái vốn đã mong manh, nay còn chịu áp lực do trăn ăn cá sấu và những loài chim quý hiếm.

Câu 36:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to

indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.

  Alligators have always been the most dangerous predators of the Florida Everglades, (31) .................. their long-held position is now being challenged by a growing population of Burmese pythons.

  The Burmese python, a giant snake measuring up to 20 feet long and weighing up to 200 pounds, is very popular among exotic pet owners. However, as the (32) .................. snakes grow, they become more difficult to cafe and handle. To avoid dealing with the snakes, the owners irresponsibly release them into the wild. (33) .................. the Everglades is quite similar to the python’s native environment of Southeast Asia, they survive and prosper without difficulty.

  The issue with the Burmese pythons is their choice of meals. They eat alligators and endangered birds, which creates a strain on an already (34) .................. ecosystem. Recently a 13-foot long Burmese python was found with a 5-foot alligator bursting from its stomach. They python died trying to eat the alligator but a larger one would have easily won the struggle. With over 30,000 Burmese pythons now living in the Everglades, a solution to stop this invasive species is necessary. If the pythons are (35).................. unchecked, there is a strong possibility they will wipe out a variety of species necessary for the functioning of the Everglades ecosystem.

(Source: * Master TOEFL Junior*, Hahn (2015)

Điền vào số35

Xem đáp án

Chọn A                                 To be left + adj: được bỏ lại như thế nào, được tự do thế nào.

  Nếu những con trăn không bị kiểm soát, có khả năng rất cao là chúng sẽ phá hủy cả hệ sinh vật cần thiết cho hoạt động của hệ sinh thái Everglades.

Câu 37:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

I’m not surprised that Tom is ill. He’s been burning the candle at both ends for a long time. It was bound to affect his health sooner or later.

Xem đáp án

Chọn A                                 Câu đề bài: Tôi không hề ngạc nhiên việc Tom bị ốm. Anh ta đã làm việc liên tục không ngừng nghỉ lâu đến vậy. Nó tất nhiên sớm muộn cũng phải ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe của anh ta.

To burn the candle at both ends: làm việc ngày đêm, liên tục không ngừng nghỉ. = to overwork (v.): làm việc quá sức.

Extra work: việc làm thêm;

Overloading (adj.): quá tải, chất quá nặng.

To play with fire = take foolish risks: liều mình, đùa với lửa.

Câu 38:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

The word crisis is too often used to exaggerate the predicament of a club experiencing hard times.

Xem đáp án

Chọn B                                 Câu đề bài: Từ “khủng hoảng” quá thường xuyên được sử dụng để phóng đại tình trạng khó khăn của một câu lạc bộ trải qua thời kì khó khăn.

Dilemma (n.): tình trạng khó xử, tiến thoái lưỡng nan.

= predicament (n.): tình trạng khó khăn.

Situation (n.): tình huống;

Shame (n.): sự xấu hổ, hổ thẹn;

Embarrassment (n.); sự xấu hổ, lúng túng.

Câu 39:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Julie had a training course in alternative medicine. She was able to help the man out of danger.

Xem đáp án

Chọn B                                 Câu đề bài: Julie đã có một khóa học đào tạo trong ngành điều trị thay thế. Cô đã có thể giúp người đàn ông qua cơn nguy hiếm.

Much as + mệnh đề:  mặc dù thế nào;

But for something: nếu không vì;

Despite something: Mặc dù;

 Ở câu này ta gộp chủ ngữ của 2 câu lại nên vế trước được lược bỏ chủ ngữ và chia ở thì quá khứ.

Câu 40:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

The guest on our show who has won the Opera. He is the youngest professional golfer that has won this award so far.

Xem đáp án

Chọn A                                 Câu đề bài: Vị khách trong chương trình của chúng tôi đã đoạt giải Opera. Anh ta là tay golf chuyên nghiệp trẻ nhất từng đoạt giải này.

A. Vị khách trong chương trình của chúng tôi là tay golf chuyên nghiệp trẻ nhất mà từng đoạt giải opera.

B. Tay golf chuyên nghiệp mà đoạt giải Opera cho đến nay là vị khách trẻ tuổi nhất trong chương trình của chúng tôi.

C. Tay golf chuyên nghiệp trẻ nhất đạt giải Opera cho đến nay là vị khách trong chương trình của chúng tôi.

D. Vị khách trẻ nhất trong chương trình của chúng tôi là tay golf chuyên nghiệp đoạt giải opera.

Câu 41:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions

If the goal of education is to enhance both individual achievement and social progress, then the “shopping mall colleges” should been replaced with colleges that are true learning communities.

Xem đáp án

Chọn C                                 Câu đề bài: Nếu như mục tiêu của giáo dục là nâng cao cả thành công của các cá nhân và sự đi lên của xã hội, thì các “đại học kiểu trung tâm thương mại” nên được thay thế bằng những trường mà thật sự là các cộng đồng học tập.

Should + V: nên làm gì;

Should + have V-ed/III: lẽ ra nên làm gì. (trong quá khứ).

Thay bằng: have been.

Câu 42:

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions

If the man had transported to the hospital sooner than he was, he could have survived the electrocution.

Xem đáp án

Chọn A                                 Câu đề bài: Nếu như người đàn ông đã được chuyển đến bệnh viện sớm hơn, có lẽ anh ta đã có thể sống sót qua vụ kích điện.

Người đàn ông này là người bệnh, ông ta phải “được chuyển” đến bệnh viện. Thay bằng: had been transported.

Câu 43:

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions

Some researchers believe that an unfair attitude toward the poor will contributed to the problem of poverty.

Xem đáp án

Chọn D                                 Câu đề bài: Một vài nhà nghiên cứu tin rằng một thái độ không công bằng đối với người nghèo sẽ góp phần vào vấn đề nghèo khó.

Will + Vinf: sẽ làm gì.

Thay bằng: contribute.

Câu 44:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, H, C, or 1) on your answer sheet to

indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.

  Theresa May, the second female Britain’s prime minister following Margaret Thatcher, revealed in 2013 that she had been given a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes, a condition that requires daily insulin injections. Asked later how she felt about the diagnosis, she said her approach to it was the same as toward everything in her life: “Just get on and deal with it.” That kind of steeliness brought her to center stage in the aftermath of Britain’s vote to leave the European Union and the feuding that erupted in the Conservative Party over who would succeed David Cameron.

  Ms” May, 59 years old, is the country’s longest-serving home secretary in half a century, with a reputation for seriousness, hard work and above all, determination. She is one of a growing number of women in traditionally male-dominated British politics rising to the upper position of leadership.

  Bom in 1956, Ms. May grew up mainly in Oxford shire, an only child who was first drawn to the Conservative Party at age 12. As a conscientious student, she never rebelled against her religious upbringing and remains a regular churchgoer. Tellingly, her sports hero was Geoffrey Boycott, a solid, stubborn cricketer who specialized in playing the long game.

  Like many other Britain’s prime minister including Tony Blair, Sir Robert Peel and Margaret Thatcher, she won a place at Oxford. But while almost every other political leader got there by way of Eton College and joined Oxford’s hedonistic Bullingdon Club, she attended a state secondary school and had a more sedate university career. After unsuccessful attempts to be elected to the House of Commons in 1992 and 1994, she finally became an MP in 1997 general election.

  May is known for a love of fashion and in particular distinctive shoes. She even wore leopard-print shoes to her final Cabinet meeting as Home Secretary in early 2016. However, she has been quite critical of the media focusing on her fashion instead of her achievement as a politician. May also describes cooking and walking as primary hobbies, and if someone is raising questions about why walking can be classified as a hobby, she elaborates in a column for Balance magazine, in which she wrote of her battle with diabetes.

Question 43. According to the passage, who is the prime minister coming before Theresa May?

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Chọn D  

Câu hỏi: Theo bài đọc, ai là người thủ tướng tiền nhiệm trước Theresa May?

Thông tin trong bài: That kind of steeliness brought her to center stage in the aftermath of Britain's vote to leave the European Union and the feuding that erupted in the Conservative Party over who would succeed David Cameron.

Dịch nghĩa: Sự kiên định đó đã đưa bà lên vị trí trung tâm sau cuộc bỏ phiếu của Anh rời khỏi Liên minh châu Âu và mối hiềm khích bùng lên trong Đảng Bảo thủ về việc ai sẽ kế nhiệm David Cameron.

Câu 45:

*Read the following passage and mark the letter A, H, C, or 1) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50. Theresa May, the second female Britain’s prime minister following Margaret Thatcher, revealed in 2013 that she had been given a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes, a condition that requires daily insulin injections. Asked later how she felt about the diagnosis, she said her approach to it was the same as toward everything in her life: “Just get on and deal with it.” That kind of steeliness brought her to center stage in the aftermath of Britain’s vote to leave the European Union and the feuding that erupted in the Conservative Party over who would succeed David Cameron. Ms” May, 59 years old, is the country’s longest-serving home secretary in half a century, with a reputation for seriousness, hard work and above all, determination. She is one of a growing number of women in traditionally male-dominated British politics rising to the upper position of leadership. Bom in 1956, Ms. May grew up mainly in Oxford shire, an only child who was first drawn to the Conservative Party at age 12. As a conscientious student, she never rebelled against her religious upbringing and remains a regular churchgoer. Tellingly, her sports hero was Geoffrey Boycott, a solid, stubborn cricketer who specialized in playing the long game. Like many other Britain’s prime minister including Tony Blair, Sir Robert Peel and Margaret Thatcher, she won a place at Oxford. But while almost every other political leader got there by way of Eton College and joined Oxford’s hedonistic Bullingdon Club, she attended a state secondary school and had a more sedate university career. After unsuccessful attempts to be elected to the House of Commons in 1992 and 1994, she finally became an MP in 1997 general election. May is known for a love of fashion and in particular distinctive shoes. She even wore leopard-print shoes to her final Cabinet meeting as Home Secretary in early 2016. However, she has been quite critical of the media focusing on her fashion instead of her achievement as a politician. May also describes cooking and walking as primary hobbies, and if someone is raising questions about why walking can be classified as a hobby, she elaborates in a column for Balance magazine, in which she wrote of her battle with diabetes.

The most prominent characteristic of Theresa May is ...................

Xem đáp án

Chọn C                                 Điểm nổi bật nhất trong tính cách của Theresa May là

Đáp án C. sự cương quyết;

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. sự ương ngạnh; B. sự nghiêm túc; D. sự chăm chỉ.

Thông tin trong bài: Ms. May, 59 years old, is the country's longest- serving home secretary in half a century, with a reputation for seriousness, hard work and above all, determination.

Câu 46:

*Read the following passage and mark the letter A, H, C, or 1) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50. Theresa May, the second female Britain’s prime minister following Margaret Thatcher, revealed in 2013 that she had been given a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes, a condition that requires daily insulin injections. Asked later how she felt about the diagnosis, she said her approach to it was the same as toward everything in her life: “Just get on and deal with it.” That kind of steeliness brought her to center stage in the aftermath of Britain’s vote to leave the European Union and the feuding that erupted in the Conservative Party over who would succeed David Cameron. Ms” May, 59 years old, is the country’s longest-serving home secretary in half a century, with a reputation for seriousness, hard work and above all, determination. She is one of a growing number of women in traditionally male-dominated British politics rising to the upper position of leadership. Bom in 1956, Ms. May grew up mainly in Oxford shire, an only child who was first drawn to the Conservative Party at age 12. As a conscientious student, she never rebelled against her religious upbringing and remains a regular churchgoer. Tellingly, her sports hero was Geoffrey Boycott, a solid, stubborn cricketer who specialized in playing the long game. Like many other Britain’s prime minister including Tony Blair, Sir Robert Peel and Margaret Thatcher, she won a place at Oxford. But while almost every other political leader got there by way of Eton College and joined Oxford’s hedonistic Bullingdon Club, she attended a state secondary school and had a more sedate university career. After unsuccessful attempts to be elected to the House of Commons in 1992 and 1994, she finally became an MP in 1997 general election. May is known for a love of fashion and in particular distinctive shoes. She even wore leopard-print shoes to her final Cabinet meeting as Home Secretary in early 2016. However, she has been quite critical of the media focusing on her fashion instead of her achievement as a politician. May also describes cooking and walking as primary hobbies, and if someone is raising questions about why walking can be classified as a hobby, she elaborates in a column for Balance magazine, in which she wrote of her battle with diabetes.

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

Xem đáp án

Chọn C                                 Khẳng định nào dưới đây là KHÔNG đúng?

A. Đời sống chính trị ở Anh thường bị áp đảo bởi đàn ông.

B. Số lượng phu nữ làm chính trị đang gia tăng.

C. Đảng Bảo thủ đã không cần phải bàn luận về việc ai sẽ là vị thủ tướng mới.

D. Sự cứng rắn của Theresa May là một trong những lí do khiến cho Đảng chọn bà cho vị trí thủ tướng.

Thông tin trong bài: That kind of steeliness brought her to center stage in the aftermath of Britain’s vote to leave the European Union and the feuding that erupted in the Conservative Party over who would succeed David Cameron

Câu 47:

*Read the following passage and mark the letter A, H, C, or 1) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50. Theresa May, the second female Britain’s prime minister following Margaret Thatcher, revealed in 2013 that she had been given a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes, a condition that requires daily insulin injections. Asked later how she felt about the diagnosis, she said her approach to it was the same as toward everything in her life: “Just get on and deal with it.” That kind of steeliness brought her to center stage in the aftermath of Britain’s vote to leave the European Union and the feuding that erupted in the Conservative Party over who would succeed David Cameron. Ms” May, 59 years old, is the country’s longest-serving home secretary in half a century, with a reputation for seriousness, hard work and above all, determination. She is one of a growing number of women in traditionally male-dominated British politics rising to the upper position of leadership. Bom in 1956, Ms. May grew up mainly in Oxford shire, an only child who was first drawn to the Conservative Party at age 12. As a conscientious student, she never rebelled against her religious upbringing and remains a regular churchgoer. Tellingly, her sports hero was Geoffrey Boycott, a solid, stubborn cricketer who specialized in playing the long game. Like many other Britain’s prime minister including Tony Blair, Sir Robert Peel and Margaret Thatcher, she won a place at Oxford. But while almost every other political leader got there by way of Eton College and joined Oxford’s hedonistic Bullingdon Club, she attended a state secondary school and had a more sedate university career. After unsuccessful attempts to be elected to the House of Commons in 1992 and 1994, she finally became an MP in 1997 general election. May is known for a love of fashion and in particular distinctive shoes. She even wore leopard-print shoes to her final Cabinet meeting as Home Secretary in early 2016. However, she has been quite critical of the media focusing on her fashion instead of her achievement as a politician. May also describes cooking and walking as primary hobbies, and if someone is raising questions about why walking can be classified as a hobby, she elaborates in a column for Balance magazine, in which she wrote of her battle with diabetes.

Which of the following facts is TRUE about Theresa May?

Xem đáp án

Chọn C                                 Sự thật nào dưới đây là ĐÚNG về Theresa May?

A. Bà đã tốt nghiệp từ trường Eton.

B. Khi còn nhỏ, bà khá nổi loạn.

C.  Bà đã không đi làm thêm khi còn là sinh viên.

D. Bà không từng là một thư kí riêng.

Thông tin trong bài: ta thấy cả 3 câu A, B và D đều có thông tin trong bài nên C là đáp án đúng.

A: ...while almost every other political leader got there by way of Eton College and joined Oxford's hedonistic Bullingdon Club, she attended a state secondary school and had a more sedate university career.

B: As a conscientious student, she never rebelled against her religious upbringing and remains a regular churchgoer.

D: Ms. May, 59 years old, is the country's longest-serving home secretary in half a century, with a reputation for seriousness, hard work and above all, determination.

Câu 48:

*Read the following passage and mark the letter A, H, C, or 1) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50. Theresa May, the second female Britain’s prime minister following Margaret Thatcher, revealed in 2013 that she had been given a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes, a condition that requires daily insulin injections. Asked later how she felt about the diagnosis, she said her approach to it was the same as toward everything in her life: “Just get on and deal with it.” That kind of steeliness brought her to center stage in the aftermath of Britain’s vote to leave the European Union and the feuding that erupted in the Conservative Party over who would succeed David Cameron. Ms” May, 59 years old, is the country’s longest-serving home secretary in half a century, with a reputation for seriousness, hard work and above all, determination. She is one of a growing number of women in traditionally male-dominated British politics rising to the upper position of leadership. Bom in 1956, Ms. May grew up mainly in Oxford shire, an only child who was first drawn to the Conservative Party at age 12. As a conscientious student, she never rebelled against her religious upbringing and remains a regular churchgoer. Tellingly, her sports hero was Geoffrey Boycott, a solid, stubborn cricketer who specialized in playing the long game. Like many other Britain’s prime minister including Tony Blair, Sir Robert Peel and Margaret Thatcher, she won a place at Oxford. But while almost every other political leader got there by way of Eton College and joined Oxford’s hedonistic Bullingdon Club, she attended a state secondary school and had a more sedate university career. After unsuccessful attempts to be elected to the House of Commons in 1992 and 1994, she finally became an MP in 1997 general election. May is known for a love of fashion and in particular distinctive shoes. She even wore leopard-print shoes to her final Cabinet meeting as Home Secretary in early 2016. However, she has been quite critical of the media focusing on her fashion instead of her achievement as a politician. May also describes cooking and walking as primary hobbies, and if someone is raising questions about why walking can be classified as a hobby, she elaborates in a column for Balance magazine, in which she wrote of her battle with diabetes.

She first became a member of parliament in ..................

Xem đáp án

Chọn C                                 Lần đầu bà trở thành một thành viên của Quốc hội là vào năm _________.

Thông tin trong bài: After unsuccessful attempts to be elected to the House of Commons in 1992 and 1994, she finally became an MP in 1997 general election.

Câu 49:

*Read the following passage and mark the letter A, H, C, or 1) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50. Theresa May, the second female Britain’s prime minister following Margaret Thatcher, revealed in 2013 that she had been given a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes, a condition that requires daily insulin injections. Asked later how she felt about the diagnosis, she said her approach to it was the same as toward everything in her life: “Just get on and deal with it.” That kind of steeliness brought her to center stage in the aftermath of Britain’s vote to leave the European Union and the feuding that erupted in the Conservative Party over who would succeed David Cameron. Ms” May, 59 years old, is the country’s longest-serving home secretary in half a century, with a reputation for seriousness, hard work and above all, determination. She is one of a growing number of women in traditionally male-dominated British politics rising to the upper position of leadership. Bom in 1956, Ms. May grew up mainly in Oxford shire, an only child who was first drawn to the Conservative Party at age 12. As a conscientious student, she never rebelled against her religious upbringing and remains a regular churchgoer. Tellingly, her sports hero was Geoffrey Boycott, a solid, stubborn cricketer who specialized in playing the long game. Like many other Britain’s prime minister including Tony Blair, Sir Robert Peel and Margaret Thatcher, she won a place at Oxford. But while almost every other political leader got there by way of Eton College and joined Oxford’s hedonistic Bullingdon Club, she attended a state secondary school and had a more sedate university career. After unsuccessful attempts to be elected to the House of Commons in 1992 and 1994, she finally became an MP in 1997 general election. May is known for a love of fashion and in particular distinctive shoes. She even wore leopard-print shoes to her final Cabinet meeting as Home Secretary in early 2016. However, she has been quite critical of the media focusing on her fashion instead of her achievement as a politician. May also describes cooking and walking as primary hobbies, and if someone is raising questions about why walking can be classified as a hobby, she elaborates in a column for Balance magazine, in which she wrote of her battle with diabetes.

Her reason to consider walking as one of her main hobbies is .................. 

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Chọn B                                 Lí do chủ yếu khiến bà cho việc đi bộ là một trong những sở thích chính của mình là.

A. Bà khá là hay chỉ trích

B. Nó giúp bà chiến đấu với bệnh tiểu đường

c. Ai đó hỏi về nó

D. Nó được viết trên tạp chí Balance

Thông tin trong bài: ... if someone is raising questions about why walking can be classified as a hobby, she elaborates in a column for Balance magazine, in which she wrote of her battle with diabetes.

Câu 50:

*Read the following passage and mark the letter A, H, C, or 1) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50. Theresa May, the second female Britain’s prime minister following Margaret Thatcher, revealed in 2013 that she had been given a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes, a condition that requires daily insulin injections. Asked later how she felt about the diagnosis, she said her approach to it was the same as toward everything in her life: “Just get on and deal with it.” That kind of steeliness brought her to center stage in the aftermath of Britain’s vote to leave the European Union and the feuding that erupted in the Conservative Party over who would succeed David Cameron. Ms” May, 59 years old, is the country’s longest-serving home secretary in half a century, with a reputation for seriousness, hard work and above all, determination. She is one of a growing number of women in traditionally male-dominated British politics rising to the upper position of leadership. Bom in 1956, Ms. May grew up mainly in Oxford shire, an only child who was first drawn to the Conservative Party at age 12. As a conscientious student, she never rebelled against her religious upbringing and remains a regular churchgoer. Tellingly, her sports hero was Geoffrey Boycott, a solid, stubborn cricketer who specialized in playing the long game. Like many other Britain’s prime minister including Tony Blair, Sir Robert Peel and Margaret Thatcher, she won a place at Oxford. But while almost every other political leader got there by way of Eton College and joined Oxford’s hedonistic Bullingdon Club, she attended a state secondary school and had a more sedate university career. After unsuccessful attempts to be elected to the House of Commons in 1992 and 1994, she finally became an MP in 1997 general election. May is known for a love of fashion and in particular distinctive shoes. She even wore leopard-print shoes to her final Cabinet meeting as Home Secretary in early 2016. However, she has been quite critical of the media focusing on her fashion instead of her achievement as a politician. May also describes cooking and walking as primary hobbies, and if someone is raising questions about why walking can be classified as a hobby, she elaborates in a column for Balance magazine, in which she wrote of her battle with diabetes.

The word “approach” is closest in meaning to ..................

Xem đáp án

Chọn A                                 Approach (n.): phương thức, cách tiếp cận = means (n.): phưomg pháp. Advance (n.): sự phát triển, tiến bộ;

Technique (n.): công nghệ;

Trick (n.): mưu meo, mánh khóe.

Câu 51:

*Read the following passage and mark the letter A, H, C, or 1) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50. Theresa May, the second female Britain’s prime minister following Margaret Thatcher, revealed in 2013 that she had been given a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes, a condition that requires daily insulin injections. Asked later how she felt about the diagnosis, she said her approach to it was the same as toward everything in her life: “Just get on and deal with it.” That kind of steeliness brought her to center stage in the aftermath of Britain’s vote to leave the European Union and the feuding that erupted in the Conservative Party over who would succeed David Cameron. Ms” May, 59 years old, is the country’s longest-serving home secretary in half a century, with a reputation for seriousness, hard work and above all, determination. She is one of a growing number of women in traditionally male-dominated British politics rising to the upper position of leadership. Bom in 1956, Ms. May grew up mainly in Oxford shire, an only child who was first drawn to the Conservative Party at age 12. As a conscientious student, she never rebelled against her religious upbringing and remains a regular churchgoer. Tellingly, her sports hero was Geoffrey Boycott, a solid, stubborn cricketer who specialized in playing the long game. Like many other Britain’s prime minister including Tony Blair, Sir Robert Peel and Margaret Thatcher, she won a place at Oxford. But while almost every other political leader got there by way of Eton College and joined Oxford’s hedonistic Bullingdon Club, she attended a state secondary school and had a more sedate university career. After unsuccessful attempts to be elected to the House of Commons in 1992 and 1994, she finally became an MP in 1997 general election. May is known for a love of fashion and in particular distinctive shoes. She even wore leopard-print shoes to her final Cabinet meeting as Home Secretary in early 2016. However, she has been quite critical of the media focusing on her fashion instead of her achievement as a politician. May also describes cooking and walking as primary hobbies, and if someone is raising questions about why walking can be classified as a hobby, she elaborates in a column for Balance magazine, in which she wrote of her battle with diabetes.

The word “hedonistic” is closest in meaning to .................. 

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Chọn B                                 Hedonistic (adj.): thuộc chủ nghĩa khoái lạc. = luxurious (adj.): sang trọng, sa hoa.

Ordinary (adj.): bình thường, thông thường;

Economical (adj.): tiết kiệm;

Simple (adj.): đơn giản.





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