Thứ năm, 13/03/2025
Trang chủ Lớp 12 Tiếng Anh (mới) 100 câu trắc nghiệm Từ đồng nghĩa nâng cao

100 câu trắc nghiệm Từ đồng nghĩa nâng cao

100 câu trắc nghiệm Từ đồng nghĩa nâng cao (P5)

  • 1032 lượt thi

  • 20 câu hỏi

  • 20 phút

Danh sách câu hỏi

Câu 1:

A brief outlined of the course and bibliography were handed out to the students at the first meeting.

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KEY C: hand out = distribute: phân phát

Dispense: phân phát, phân phối

Disperse: phân tán, rải rác

Contribute: đóng góp

Câu 2:

Relaxation therapy teaches one not to fret over small problems.

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KEY A: fret over = worry about: lo lắng về

Câu 3:

Proximity to the court house makes an office building more valuable.

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KEY C: proximity to = nearness to: gần với

Câu 4:

The new amphitheater was based on the ancient Greek design.

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KEY B: amphitheater = oval theater: đấu trường vòng cung

Câu 5:

Peter didn’t mean to be disrespectful to his teacher. He just couldn’t control his temper.

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KEY B: disrespectful = showing impolite behavior: có thái độ không tôn trọng

Câu 6:

Primary education in the United States is compulsory.

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KEY B: compulsoy = required: bắt buộc

Câu 7:

The fer-de-lance, a kind of viper, is one of the most poisonous snakes.

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KEY B: poisonous = vicious: có độc tính cao, nguy hiểm

Câu 8:

The activists were accused of contaminating the minds of our young people.

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KEY B: comtaminate = harm: làm hư hỏng

Câu 9:

In the early days of baseball, the game was played by young men of means and social position.

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KEY C: of means = with money: giàu có

Câu 10:

Mounting evidence indicates that acid rain is damaging historic sites in Boston and Philadelphia.

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KEY C: moutning = increasing: ngày càng nhiều

Tentative: ngập ngừng, ướm thử

Câu 11:

The copperhead, a snake that strikes without warning, is considered more dangerous than the rattlesnake.

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KEY C: dangerous = treacherous: nguy hiểm

Exquisite: tế nhị, thanh nhã

Sporadic: lác đác, rời rạc

Aloof: cách biệt

Câu 12:

Many doctors are still general practitioners, but the tendency is toward specialization in medicine.

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KEY B: tendency = trend: xu hướng

Rumor: tin đồn

Prejudice: thành kiến

Security: sự an ninh

Câu 13:

In the 1960's the upper level of Pennsylvania Station in New York City was torn down and replaced by Madison Square Garden.

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KEY D: tear down = dismantle: tháo dỡ, phá hủy

Detract: dèm pha, làm mất uy tín

Demote: giáng chức

Distend: làm sưng phồng

Câu 14:

The blank space of the paper must be 1.5 inches at the top and 1 inch at the bottom and on the sides.

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KEY D: margin = blank space: lề (sách, vở)

Câu 15:

I told her I understood what she was feeling as we were both after all in the same boat.

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KEY C: in the same boat = in a similar situation: trong cùng tình trạng

Câu 16:

Though many scientific breakthroughs have resulted from mishaps, it has taken brilliant thinkers to recognize their potential.

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KEY C: mishap = accident: điều không hay xảy ra, tai nạn

Câu 17:

A multitude of people attended the fund-raising presentation in the mall.

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KEY C: multitude = huge crowd: đám đông

Câu 18:

Jan took many snapshots while on vacation in Europe.

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KEY C: snapshot = photo: ảnh

Câu 19:

John was not promoted because his work did not meet the manager's expectations.

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KEY A: expectation = anticipation: trông đợi, sự dự trước

Câu 20:

Ralph Nader always speaks out about everything.

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KEY A: speak out = declare one’s opinion: tuyên bố, phát biểu ý kiến

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